With all our overlapping towns, cities, counties, and school districts, the geography of this area can be confusing! Check out these maps for some clarity.
Downtown Chapel Hill and Carrboro and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro border.The Carrboro city limits, Chapel Hill city limits, and Orange-Durham line. Notice that part of Chapel Hill is in Durham County!Orange County is outlined in orange, Hillsborough is in purple, Carrboro is in green, Chapel Hill is in light blue, and Durham is in dark blue.Orange County contains two separate school districts, each of which has an elected Board of Education. On this map is the boundary between the two school districts overlayed on the voting precinct map of the county.On the 7-member Board of County Commissioners, two members are at-large, three members represent District 1, and two members represent District 2. This map shows the boundary between District 1 and District 2. Notice that it’s very similar to the school district map, but not the same!
Last but not least, here’s an interactive map of Orange County’s voting precincts!