We encourage the Carrboro Town Council to Support the 203 Project on April 5, 2022

To help voters better understand how local elected officials vote on issues important to NEXT and the community, NEXT will begin recommending vote positions and scoring votes by each member of the Town Council. Over time, these votes will be tracked to make clear how our elected officials vote on key priorities, and to inform future endorsements. 

On the Carrboro Town Council agenda for this evening (April 5, 2022), there are votes to support the financing, construction contract, and development agreement for the 203 Project, which will include the new Southern Orange County Library, whose plans received final approval from the Carrboro Town Council and Orange County Board of Commissioners in recent meetings. 

NEXT strongly supports all three items on the agenda and recommends an AYE (affirmative) vote on all three items which are items F1, G1, and G2 on the agenda.

Categories: Vote Scoring


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