Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing

  • Partner with non-profit groups to expand the stock of low to moderately-priced housing.
  • Support initiatives that offer in-town relocation to low-moderate income households displaced by new development.
  • Encourage developers to include a range of low to moderately priced housing choices in new development.
  • Expand the potential for development of accessory apartments.
  • Advance equity for low/medium income and minority households.

Outcome Measures:  Number of new residences affordable to individuals/families with low to moderate incomes.

Expand Mobility Options

  • Expand regional transit facilities and services, incorporating buses, trains, and light rail where they make the most sense.
  • Create a fully accessible greenway/bikeway system that includes connections on Bolin Creek, Booker Creek, Morgan Creek, Tanyard Branch, Fan Branch, Meadowmont and Libba Cotten Trails.
  • For new development:  Promote mixed-use, walkable, environments, with dense, transit-oriented development around LRT stations and along the proposed north-south BRT route.  

Outcome Measures:  Increased network of connected paths, with emphasis on destinations; completed connections to existing greenway network; new development focused in locations with available non-auto modes of transportation.

Promote Job Growth

  • Partner with UNC, local businesses within Chapel Hill – Carrboro to promote job creation.
  • Work to expand supply of office space in Chapel Hill – Carrboro, and potential incubator facilities.
  • Partner with potential employment centers in providing needed infrastructure.

Outcome Measures:  Increase in employment within Chapel Hill – Carrboro.

Get People Involved

  • Work to promote integrity in public dialogues, and accessibility and inclusiveness of public input methods,
  • Promote participation of underrepresented segments of the population, including UNC students, low-income and minority communities,
  • Encourage the use of tools for surveying community opinion which remove bias against those with less time and ability to participate.

Outcome Measures:  Increases in information and outreach efforts, levels of participation in policy formulation.

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