April Update from the Carrboro Linear Parks Project!
Hundreds of people use the Bolin Creek Greenway in Chapel Hill to bike, walk, and be close to nature. The goal of NEXT’s Carrboro Linear Parks Project is to build out Carrboro’s greenway networks. These “missing greenways” will help connect our schools, parks, and trails. Good morning! We wanted to Read more…
Event Recap: The Greenway Imperative with Chuck Flink
Join us for a discussion on how greenways, trails and linear parks are an essential component of a sustainable, connected community. This event is sponsored by NEXT Chapel Hill & Carrboro (https://nextnc.org/) and the Carrboro Linear Parks Project (https://www.carrborolinearparksproject.org/).
Let’s Extend the Libba Cotten Bikeway to UNC!
We’re advocating to extend the Libba Cotten Bikeway, the bike trail that goes between downtown Carrboro and W. Cameron Avenue, by creating a protected, on-street, two-way path to UNC’s campus. Learn more about the project here!