Learn more and RSVP here: https://www.carrborolinearparksproject.org/the-greenway-imperative.
NEXT and the Carrboro Linear Parks project are excited to present Chuck Flink, FASLA* in a discussion on how greenways, trails and linear parks are an essential component of a sustainable, connected community. Greenways and trails provide myriad benefits to public health, social and cultural connection, improved non-motorized transportation, as well as a range of environmental benefits such as preserving wildlife corridors, co-location of green infrastructure, stormwater and utility management, managing human activity in environmentally sensitive areas, and providing access to green space for more people.
Chuck Flink is an award-winning author, planner and landscape architect who has completed greenway work in 250 communities, in 35 states, and in Europe, Asia, and South America. He is the recipient of four dozen national, regional and local planning and design awards. Chuck is a Fellow in the American Society of Landscape Architects, he is the 2006 Distinguished Alumnus of the NC State University College of Design, and 2019 recipient of the NC State University Watauga Medal. Chuck is the author of three books on greenways: Greenways. A Guide to Planning, Design and Development (1993), Trails for the Twenty First Century (2001), and his most recent book, published in March 2020, entitled The Greenway Imperative: Connecting Communities and Landscapes for A Sustainable Future.
*Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects